
John MacCarthy

About John MacCarthy

My wife Betsy and I have been married for more than 40 years and we have two nearly perfect children, three perfect grandchildren, and a dog.

I spent much of my formative years attending public schools in small conservative towns in the West and Midwest. During this time, I engaged in thoughtful discussions with my father (a physician and Reagan Republican) and my mother (a college professor and Humphrey Democrat). Through their guidance, I developed a devotion to God, country, and education.

Upon graduating from high school in Elko, Nevada, I earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from Carleton College in Minnesota, and then a doctorate in physics (program in Biophysics and Biochemistry) from the University of Notre Dame. After teaching physics for five years at Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania, I decided to pursue my interest in supporting our national defense by becoming a systems engineer for one of the nation’s major defense contractors.

During my 23-year career with TRW and Northrup Grumman, I held a variety of technical management and leadership positions on programs of national significance and served as a technology and policy advisor to a high-level executive in the Pentagon. I was also a part-time adjunct professor of Systems Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Upon retiring from Northrop Grumman, I served as a senior analyst for a defense think tank and was later recruited to be the Director of the University of Maryland’s Systems Engineering Education Program.

In 2020, Betsy and I retired and moved to Simpsonville. While we could have retired anywhere, we found that the Greenville area offered friendly people, a pleasant climate, a variety of excellent colleges and universities, good hiking, and cultural attractions typical of a much larger metropolitan area. I have been blessed to find a church home at Westminster Presbyterian Church and a position as a physics teacher at Wofford College. I have enjoyed becoming an involved member of the Simpsonville and Mauldin communities.

A History of Achievement and Service

Summary of Work Experience

Community Service

  • Presbyterian Church
    • Member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greenville
    • Ordained Elder
    • Taught adult Sunday school courses for 25 years.
    • Participated in a number of mission trips to Mexico.
  • Member, Greenville Rotary Club Church
    • Attend Simpsonville and Mauldin Rotary Clubs
  • 12 years as an adjunct lecturer of physics at Wofford College and adjunct professor of systems engineering and telecommunications at various University of Maryland campuses
